Monday, July 1, 2013

1 year (and some months) later

So March of 2012 was the last time I updated my blog. 
The only explanation I can give is that teaching has gotten in the way and that's ok. Teaching is my first love and if everything else nearly falls to the wayside, then I know that I'm giving my students everything I can. :) However, that doesn't mean I didn't get a chance to photograph some big moments this past year, it only means I haven't blogged them. Does that make sense? I hope so! I'm terrible at blogging...

It's been a crazy year, but I've had fun! I got to travel and try some new things,  personally and in teaching/photography. I'm going to attempt to bring you up to date with all of the photo sessions and life moments I've had the privilege to be apart of over the next couple blog posts and I hope you enjoy!

I'm going to showcase three pictures that basically wraps up my year. Just three pictures.

So let's start with...TEACHING!
This is my beautiful classroom the week I moved in :) Nothing short of a hot mess. Last year, I taught 6th grade in a class that once belonged to the crazy teacher on campus. This year I moved to the 8th grade. The closet was such a mess from the previous teacher that my class looked like this the whole first week back for teachers. Today, that closet is my pride and joy!

Next, my favorite part of the year...
Isn't he precious??????? 
My baby nephew was born in May 2012 and just turned a year old :) I love his little face! Being an aunt has been quite an adventure even though he lives a few states away. Funny how someone can be all you think of when they weren't even part of your life a year ago. 

The last picture to sum up my year is basically about my students but I can't show you their photos since I'll be breaking 100 different laws. My students drove me up a wall, made me laugh and kept me on my toes every second they were with me. I'll miss my babies as they start high school in a few months. This is my classroom as I left for summer vacation in June. Clean, organized, and ready for me to return in August.

This year was unlike any I've had before, but it'll definitely go down as one of the bests :)


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