Friday, March 18, 2011

{Happy New Year!! Oh wait...}

Is it really the middle of March already!? I can't even believe it.

2011 has already been very eventful. In the first few days of the year, I started a very busy internship at a local middle school. At this point, I have full responsibility of 7 classes of 6th graders :) In February, the infamous busy season started at my hotel. Snow birds, Detroit Tigers, and (dance, baseball, basketball, softball, gymnastics) competitions are regular words used to describe why we've been so busy. As a result, trying to bring my sanity back with photography has had to diminish a bit. Needless to say, next time I think combining all these factors into my life again is a good idea, I should be admitted into a hospital. Anyways, I say all that to explain, why my blog has been so quiet.

This week is Spring Break. I worked on a couple teaching projects that needed to get done so I can finally graduate and cleaned my apartment. I was also able to take a little me time, which only happens when I close my to-do list and forget what was on it. I loved it! I got caught up on a few blogs I've been meaning to read since January (I'll come back to this in a minute), went shopping, hung out with friends, and slept. I even had 2 full days off from the hotel (hasn't happened since 2010)! This break has been my first "real" Spring Break since I started college.

Now getting back to the blogs. I'm loving all the new young housewife blogs out there. One of my favorites is from a good friend of mine, Christina. Her and her husband recently got married and moved to Atlanta so that he can attend a graduate program at Georgia Tech. Her blog has followed them from the engagement process to the newlywed stage. She's so optimistic about life that it's refreshing. I just love it! Recently, she created another blog for her already amazing photography career. On that blog was a list of 101 goals. Inspired by the day zero project, she created 101 goals to complete in 1,001 days. It's fascinating! Because I love everything she does, I too created a list of 101 goals :) It literally took me ALL day to complete! Some of it deals with photography and some are personal accomplishments. I'm so excited about it! I created it earlier this week on March 14th and it should be done by Dec. 09, 2013. I've decided to post it on this blog in an effort to make my photography blog also a personal blog. So here it is, my 101 goals to be completed in 1,001 days:

1. Become a teacher 8/22/11

2. Go to Paris

3. Visit my sis in Indiana 08/04/11

4. Buy a camera bag 05/15/13

5. Pay off my AMEX

6. Graduate College 05/06/11

7. Clean out my closet 03/16/11

8. Buy an iMac 03/16/11

9. Spend a week with my parents 12/23/12

10. Spend a weekend with my bro and sis-in-law in Ft. Myers 07/03/11

11. Take a cooking class

12. Take a photography class

13. Reread Witness

14. Go to a summer course in Berlin, Germany

15. Re-do my photog blog 04/28/11

16. Photograph a tea party

17. Do a couples shoot in a record store 06/30/11

18. Find a grassy area with lots of trees in Lakeland

19. Get a business license

20. Be a vendor at a bridal show 09/25/11

21. Have a photo shoot out-of-state 08/18/12

22. Finish my student teaching portfolio 05/02/11

23. Attend a photography workshop

24. Pick a favorite author 11/01/11

25. Scrapbook the places I've been to

26. Take an Adobe course

27. Personalize the DVD's sent to clients

28. Photograph a couple in a row boat

29. Photograph a couple/family on the lake I pass on my way to Winter Haven 06/30/11

30. Visit Beth in LA 07/10/13

31. Become a US citizen 07/13/11

32. Be apart of the WPJA

33. Finish my 2010 taxes 04/09/11

34. Photograph a movie themed engagement shoot

35. Sell my Nikon d60 07/09/11

36. Attend a Civil War reenactment 01/19/13

37. Get rid of old clothes 04/01/11

38. Finish my internship 04/20/11

39. Design thank you cards for clients

40. Send a letter to someone overseas

41. Re-do the paper fans in the living room

42. Begin a serious plan/budget to backpack through Europe

43. Send $ to parents to help pay at least 3 months for my car 04/01/13

44. Find a political blog to consistently follow 07/03/11

45. Host a dinner party 01/14/13

46. Learn how to cook

47. Watch a Cirque du Soleil show 06/22/11

48. Use my crock pot 02/11/13

49. Visit Washington D.C. 07/30/12

50. Send out Christmas cards

51. Send out birthday cards to at least 10 people

52. Organize my photography clients binder

53. Host a "Martha Stewart" themed 4th of July party

54. Sponsor a child

55. Create a signature salad 08/01/12

56. Own a pro photo blog

57. Give a name to each wedding package/rate

58. Update photography contract

59. Photograph a Michael Buble's "Haven't Met You Yet" themed engagement shoot

60. Make an inspiring mix cd to listen to before I go to a photo shoot

61. Attend a Heat game

62. Partner with a wedding planner

63. Send my parents on a trip for their anniversary

64. Spring clean my bathroom 03/16/11

65. Volunteer with Habitat for Humanity

66. Cook one new meal a week for one month

67. Go to the Holocaust Museum in St. Pete 06/15/11

68. Have 15 Senior Sessions on the blog

69. Go on a beach trip for the weekend by myself

70. Get my hair professionally colored burgundy

71. Run a 5K race

72. Teach a group of students about photography 07/21/13

73. Find a church 09/18/11

74. Watch a Broadway or off-Broadway show 02/05/12

75. Compliment 5 strangers 07/31/11

76. Ice skate 05/18/13

77. Work on my signature

78. Listen to every song in my iTunes library

79. Identify 100 things that makes me happy

80. Go one week without my to-do list 01/01/12

81. Take a Zumba class

82. See Kid Cudi in concert

83. Partner with a videographer

84. Partner with a caterer

85. Order photo books for a bridal show 09/18/11

86. Design a display for bridal show 09/25/11

87. Take photos of a good friends kids

88. Do a photo shoot of my family

89. Take time to take pictures for fun 2 times a month

90. Photograph an Indian wedding

91. Create a list of the closets restaurants/attractions to the hotel 06/08/11

92. Decorate my apt for fall

93. Decorate my apt for Christmas 12/01/11

94. Buy a macro lens

95. Learn how to take pictures outside at night

96. Pay off at least 1 student loan

97. Have at least 35 weddings on my blog

98. Host a Bible study 07/31/11

99. Visit Boston 07/31/12

100. Buy a new bed frame

101. Lose 15 lbs

I've written the dates off to the side when each goal was completed. Well what do you think? Can I do it? :)


artificial grass March 19, 2011 at 12:01 AM  

Of course you can do it (remember: You can do all things through Christ)!!. I hope you can finish before Dec. 9, 2013. I will be here for you to give all the support you need to accomplish your task. Be brave, be strong.!!! I love you. Mama

Shauna March 19, 2011 at 11:31 AM  

Wow, that's so many things, it's more like a bucket list! LOL jk. You can definitely do it all if you want to! We should take pictures at night together. I've never done it either, but I'm pretty sure all you need is a tripod (I have two so you could borrow one if you don't have one yet!) and a slow shutter speed. I think taking a picture of traffic at night or the stars would be cool:) Alright, cliche, but cool. Hm maybe I should start one of these lists! Oh, and remember you can call me up if you want to when it's time for Paris!:)
So glad you to see you blogging!!

Melissa G March 19, 2011 at 12:47 PM  

That's ambitious. I like it. How about you add "have a sleep over with Melissa like we're 8 again".

Nissa March 20, 2011 at 5:59 PM  

Well, you can stay with me any time if you decide to check off number 99! Or, at least let me know you're here so we can hang! Good luck with your list! I know you can do it!

Christina April 6, 2011 at 9:40 PM  

I looooove your list. You have so many good ideas! We should #23 together! Maybe WPPI next year?? Or maybe in two years...I don't have that kind of money, haha!

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